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Borosil Klip n Store Rectangular Glass Container two

300.00649.00 (50% off)

Versatile function meets minimalist form in our Klip N Store borsoilicate glass storage containers. Whether you need to use them as fridge / freezer storage containers or as kitchen organisers, or even to heat and serve, the Klip N Store range of glass storage containers are perfect for the job. What’s more, the Klip N Store glass storage containers are available in several shapes and sizes to meet your everyday storage needs.

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SKU: SKU-012001-1 Categories: , Tags: ,


Versatile function meets minimalist form in our Klip N Store borsoilicate glass storage containers. Whether you need to use them as fridge / freezer storage containers or as kitchen organisers, or even to heat and serve, the Klip N Store range of glass storage containers are perfect for the job. What’s more, the Klip N Store glass storage containers are available in several shapes and sizes to meet your everyday storage needs.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Small, Medium, Large


Black, Blue, Green


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